I went to my trusty resource site Luxist to find the handbag. Wow! So many to choose from. I ended up buying a Fiore all leather handbag. Lol, I guess I could have just went to the Coach counter or the next purse party for a handbag. Nope, not me.. I've worked just one day too long to pass up what I really want. $350 later, the bag is mine!
Next I wanted a good sweat suit made of good, quality material. None of that flimsy stuff. Nothing that will shrink after one wash. Not the sweat suit of the hour that everyone else is wearing, for example Baby Phat or Enyce. That stuff is not for me. For one, everyone else is wearing it and for two, I do me not them. I also wanted heavy embellishments such as Swarovsky crystals/rhinestones.
I subscribe to a catalog Boston Proper and they have nice, classy sweats for my age group. They also aren't afraid of embellishments, the more the merrier. I chose a dove gray boot cut hooded sweat suit. The jacket has a huge heavy embellished design on the back. I'm satisfied!